What is a Union?
A labor Union or trade Union is an organized group of workers who unite to make decisions about conditions affecting their work. Labor Unions strive to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our nation.
Many businesses belong to their own “Unions” such as your local Chamber of Commerce, NECA, ALEC, and other organizations whose sole purpose is to protect the interests of Business without regard to the worker.
Unions level the playing field.
Who are Union Members?
There are over 60 Unions representing over 14 million workers throughout the country.
No matter what work you do, there’s a Union that represents your work, including:
- Teachers
- Miners
- Utility workers
- Firefighters
- Farm workers
- Bakers
- Engineers
- Pilots
- Public employees
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Plumbers,
- Bus drivers,
- Office workers
- Computer professionals and more are all Union members
Benefits of Belonging to a Union
Higher pay, better benefits, and a voice on the job. These are the main reasons to join a Union. As a Union member, you have a collective voice regarding:
- Pay and wages
- Work hours
- Benefits – including retirement plans, health insurance, vacation and sick leave, tuition reimbursement, etc.
- Working conditions
- Workplace health and safety
- Ways to balance work and family
- The best ways to get work completed, and other work-related issues
Read more in this study from the University of Oregon’s Labor Education and Research Center: The Union Advantage